Tuesday 14 March 2017

Star Clays Trissur

           So I built my beautiful home at Pathanapuram and now I was getting ready for the flooring. It is here the environmentalist in me rose up and got ready to prevent me from trying any sort of tiles but the terracotta. And, the Mandakan group has set their nets to snare poor, unsuspecting people like me!!

            I fell for their assurances and used the Star Clay tiles for flooring. In six months they began peeling and breaking. In a year the entire top story flooring came off. The Star Clays replaced the flooring. But in six months the entire flooring came unstuck. Now I have my beautiful house, built with a lifetime's earnings , in complete ruin. The Star Clays have stopped picking up my calls and I am getting ready to go to the consumer court.

            The saddest part is that I persuaded my close friend to use the same tiles, with the same disastrous consequences. He is a lost man as I am.

            Now, I am writing this so as to prevent unsuspecting people to be betrayed by Star Clays. If you buy them, you will regret it later. They use sub-standard material to make their tiles and they are a fraudulent company. They will tell you that their tiles are being exported to Europe. God save them!!!

           If you have any questions you can reach me on 9443460171 . I will upload the pictures of the two houses shortly. Hope this helps you prevent a tragedy and lose your good money.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

SSLC Tamil Nadu English Answers

1.      What was Hughie’s financial status?
Hughie did not have enough money with him. He was handsome but without a job.
2.      What was the condition laid down by the colonel to allow Hughie’s engagement to Laura?
The condition laid down by the colonel was that Hughie should have ten thousand pounds with him.
3.      Why was Hughie upset?
Hughie was upset with the condition laid down by the colonel. There was no way he could have ten thousand pounds.
4.      What makes you feel Alan was a good painter?
Alan’s paintings were costly and eagerly bought. He was a real master when he took up the brush.
5.      What makes the old man a typical beggar?
The old man had wrinkles all over and had a ragged cloak. His piteous face added to his appearance as a beggar.
6.      Why is the old model’s face his fortune?
A model with a realistic face will result in a better picture and the model can make money if the picture sells well. So the model’s face is his fortune.
7.      What was the beggar’s true identity?
The beggar was Baron Hausberg, one of the richest men in Europe. He took up modelling because he loved it.
8.      Why did Hughie fear an adverse reaction from the Baron?
Hughie feared an adverse reaction from the Baron because he had relieved him with a sovereign. Hughie thought the Baron would take offence at his behaviour.
9.      Why did Hughie wish to apologise to the Baron?
Hughie wished to apologise to the Baron because he had relieved him with a sovereign. He thought the Baron, one of the richest men in Europe, would have been irritated.
10.  Why was Hughie angry with Trevor?
Hughie was angry with Trevor for revealing his private affairs and financial status to the beggar.
11.  Why did Trevor remark such beggars as the model were not to be met with every day?
He said so because the beggar was actually Baron Hausberg, one of the richest men in Europe. Such a “millionaire beggar” was not to be seen every day.
12.  Why did Hughie grow offended at Trevor’s act of discussing his affairs with a stranger?
Hughie grew offended because he didn’t want a beggar to know his private affairs. Hughie had mistaken Baron Hausberg for a beggar.

13.  What was the Baron’s reaction to Hughie’s innocent act of awarding him a coin?
He reacted calmly, thanking Hughie for the sovereign he gave him.
14.  Differentiate- ‘Millionaire Models’ and ‘Model Millionaires’.
Millionaire Models are models who are rich and they may have taken up modelling for fun. But Model Millionaires are the rich who set examples by their noble behaviour.
15.  What are the various details that Alan Trevor would have given to the Baron?
Alan Trevor would have told him about Hughie’s financial status and his affair with Laura.
How would you justify the title “The Model Millionaire”?
Distinguish between “model millionaire” and “millionaire model”
The story “The Model Millionaire” is about mistaken identities. Hughie, an unsuccessful youth, met a model dressed as beggar in his friend’s studio. He mistook the model for a real beggar and relieved him with a sovereign. But Trevor, the painter and his friend, informed him later the model was actually Baron Hausberg, one of the richest men in Europe. He was a millionaire model. The Baron learned from Trevor about Hughie’s financial status and his need for ten thousand pounds to satisfy the condition set by his girlfriend’s father for his marriage. Baron Hausberg decided to help him and sent him a cheque for ten thousand pounds. It was a model act and the baron proved himself to be a model millionaire.
Attempt a character sketch of a) Hughie b) the Baron
Hughie was a happy-go-lucky guy who was unsuccessful in making money. He was in love with the Colonel’s daughter but had no chance of meeting his condition of having ten thousand pounds to marry his daughter. But he was kind and generous. That is why he gave a sovereign to the millionaire model. He was ready to apologise when he found out his mistake. Hughie’s is a brilliant character with a lot of chivalry.
The Baron
Baron Hausberg was noble and kind. He never reacted badly when Hughie offered him a sovereign as alms. He was kind enough to enquire about Hughie’s background. True to his noble nature, Hausberg sent Hughie a cheque for ten thousand pounds to enable him to marry Laura. The Baron set a fine example in generosity and proved he was a model millionaire as well as a millionaire model.

Who was Hughie? How had Hughie treated the model who posed for Trevor?
Hughie was a happy-go-lucky youth without a job. He was a friend of Trevor the master painter. Hughie had a brilliant character with a lot of chivalry.  Hughie took pity on the model who posed for Trevor and relieved him with a sovereign. It was typical of his kindness and character to do so. As far as Hughie was concerned, he had treated the model well. He did not mean to insult him. Hughie never knew that the model was a millionaire. He just followed his instincts. But for a millionaire, it would have been insulting to be given alms. But Hausberg took it calm and thanked Hughie.
What was the result of Hughie’s mistaking the Baron for a beggar?
The result of Hughie’s mistaking the Baron for a beggar turned out to be a pleasant surprise and a stroke of luck for him. Hughie met Baron Hausberg modelling as a beggar at Trevor’s studio. Hughie took the model for a real beggar and offered him a shilling. The Baron was amused by this kind act and became interested in Hughie. The Baron found out about the affairs of Hughie from Trevor and decided to help him out. He wrote out a cheque for ten thousand pounds and sent it to him. Hughie now could fulfil the condition set by Laura’s father that he should have ten thousand pounds to marry Laura.
Answer the following in not more than thirty words:-
  1. How can dreams become masters?
Dreams can become masters when a person is completely under their control. Dreams will then start clouding his reason and he will get lost in dreams.
  1. What keeps one going on, in spite of being repeatedly confronted with failures?
A strong heart and determination keeps one going on. One should have the will power to say ‘hold on’ even when one’s body is failing.
  1. Which quality would you consider is most essential for man in order to face the challenges of life?
The ability to treat triumph and disaster equally is most essential for man to face the challenges of life. You should keep a stiff upper lip when faced with disasters and you should not be overjoyed when you succeed.
Answer in a paragraph. Your paragraph should not exceed 120 words.
1.      Describe the various qualities of manliness.
Rudyard Kipling lays down a few conditions for being manly.  To be manly, one should think and dream a lot without allowing thoughts and dreams to cloud one’s reason. Another quality of manliness is the ability to treat triumph and disaster equally. Kipling says victory and defeat are just tricksters. An iron will and determination are qualities of manliness since they keep a man fighting till the end. The ability to carry on when one’s body is failing is important. One has to work hard and be as unforgiving as time to be manly. A stiff upper lip, a strong heart and hard work mark are the qualities of manliness according to Rudyard Kipling.
Beautiful Inside

  1. How does a geode look on the outside?
A geode looks dull and grey on the outside.
  1. Why is the geode’s appearance deceptive?
The appearance of the geode is deceptive since it looks dull on the outside and dazzling inside.
  1. When are we able to see the dazzling crystals in a geode?
We are able to see the dazzling crystals when a geode is split open.
  1. What does the poet mean by a ‘beautiful heart’?
The poet means a kind and loving person.
Answer in a paragraph. Your paragraph should not exceed 120 words.
1.      Which, in your opinion, is of more value in a human being- the inner beauty or the outer appearance? Why?
What does the poet of ‘Beautiful Inside’ say about ‘inner beauty’?
The poem discusses the maxim, appearances can be deceptive. The poet gives us a fine example- the geode. A plain looking geode has a sparkling inside. Some people are like the geode. They may appear ordinary but have a heart of gold. This inner beauty of the individual is what counts because kindness and generosity can make a big difference. The poet calls ‘inner beauty’ warm and glowing. It is a treasure. But it may take some effort to discover it. One has to peer deep inside to discover it. It is not a good idea to judge a person by his looks. Even the most ugly and badly dressed person may prove to be kind and helpful.

                                                            MUSIC THE HOPERAISER
1.      How is music different from astronomy?
Astronomy deals with the relationship between observable and external objects whereas music deals with invisible and internal objects.
2.      What made people like Messiaen create art in the concentration camps?
They created art because it is essential for life. Art is part of survival and the human spirit. It is the part and parcel of human life.
3.      Why did art find a place even in concentration camps?
Art is part of survival and the human spirit. It is an unquenchable expression of who we are. It is part and parcel of human life.
4.      What is the significance of art?
Art is an unquenchable expression of who we are. Art signifies life and its meaning. It is the part and parcel of human life.
5.      Why didn’t the narrator play the piano after September11?
He thought it was absurd and irreverent to play the piano after the horrible events of September 11. He thought there was no place for a pianist among the horrible tragedy.
6.      How did people express their grief after September 11?
People expressed their grief by singing. The first organised public expression of grief was a concert.
7.      Why isn’t music an extravaganza or a hobby?
Music is not a hobby since it is one of the ways we make sense of our lives. Music helps us understand things with our hearts when we can’t with our minds.
8.      What are the two incidents that stress the importance of music as an essential art?
The two incidents are Messiaen composing music in the concentration camps and people taking refuge in music to overcome grief after September 11.
9.      What can artistes do to save the planet?
Artistes alone can bring in wellness and harmony to the world. They are capable of helping us discover our inner selves and hence help us find peace.
Answer in a paragraph:-
1.      Describe the courageous way the Americans overcame the fall of the Twin Towers.
America came under attack on September 11, 2011. Two planes were flown in to the twin towers of the World Trade Centre and a lot of innocent people were killed. But Americans had the resilience to overcome the tragedy. The first organised activity in America on the evening of September 11 was singing. They sang ‘We shall Overcome’ and ‘America the Beautiful’ to overcome their shock. A number of concerts were organised right across America to express grief. It was music that gave Americans hope in those dark days. The mighty American military provided security but it was art, especially music, which helped the people recover.
2.      What lessons does Messiaen teach mankind through his attitude towards music while he was in the concentration camp?
Messiaen wrote the ‘Quartet for the End of Time’ in the concentration camp. It was not an ideal place to compose music. It was a place where murder, torture and insults prevailed. But Messiaen taught us the lesson that music was essential for life. We get the message that art is part of survival and the human spirit. It is an unquenchable expression of who we are. It is the part and parcel of human life. Art and music help us make sense of our lives. They are more powerful than words and a way for us to understand things with our hearts when we can’t with our minds.

1.      What is the poet reminded of when hearing the woman’s song?
The poet is reminded of his childhood on hearing the woman’s song.
2.      What does the poet relish more- his manhood days or his childhood days?
He relishes his childhood days.
3.      Which tense is used frequently in the poem? What effect is brought out by this technique?
The Present Simple Tense is used frequently in the poem. A dramatic effect is brought out by the technique.

Answer in a paragraph:-
What are the poet’s reminiscences about the childhood days?
The mental image of the child and his mother takes him down the memory lane. He remembers being with his mother at the piano as she smiles and sings. The poet remembers the mastery of the song and it fills his heart with wishful thinking. He wants to go back to those Sunday evenings of his childhood days filled with music and hymns. Even his manhood is not able to withstand the power of his memories. They make him so sad that he weeps for the past. He remembers his loving mother, his childhood home, the piano and the music-filled Sunday evenings. Emotions and feelings flow into his heart in unending waves.

                                                      A GOLDEN PATH
1.   Which period of life does Gokhale consider a very happy one?
He considers the period of being a student a very happy one. Gokhale says student life is a sheltered one.
2.   Are students free from responsibilities? Why?
No, they are not. They have the responsibility of studying and meeting the expectations of their parents. But they don’t have to make decisions on their own.
3.   What requires whole-hearted devotion?
Seeking knowledge needs whole-hearted devotion. It is not easy to gain knowledge. It requires concentration, devotion and hard work.
4.   What is your primary duty to yourself?
The primary duty to yourself is storing up knowledge that you can use later on. Seeking knowledge later on in life is difficult and impractical.
5.   How would knowledge help you in later life?
It would help us to make judgements and take decisions in times of difficulty. Knowledge would help us avoid mistakes and choose wisely.
6.   What kind of character should you acquire while you are a student?
You should acquire a character that will improve the entire life of people around you. A strong and noble character will make the country a better place.
7.   What is the two-fold duty to be acquired by students?
Acquiring knowledge that will help you in later life and acquiring character that will enable to be successful are the two fold duty of students. There is no use in debating which is more important.
8.   Is character influenced by surroundings? How?
Yes, character is influenced by surroundings. You are likely to be acted upon by the people around you and their character will have a great influence on you. If you have a strong character you can withstand the influence of bad characters around you.
9.   What are the two valuable qualities practised by you as students?
Obedience to parents and reverence for teachers are the two valuable qualities to have as students. They help you acquire knowledge and strike success.
10. When does one make one’s own decisions?
One makes one’s own decisions when one has completed one’s education and one can stand on one’s own feet. One has to use one’s judgement to make those decisions.
11. What is the precious virtue obtained out of reverence to the teachers?
The precious virtue obtained out of reverence to the teachers is discipline.
12. How would you define the true spirit of discipline?
The true spirit of discipline is the subordination of your judgement, convenience and personal gain to common good.
13. What makes students give way to emotions easily?
Students have a generous mind and unsophisticated hearts. So they can easily give way to emotions easily.
14. What should be the students’ attitude towards the government?
Their attitude towards the government should be loyalty and acceptance without protest.
How is character important in life?
      Character is indispensable for success in life and it is as important as knowledge. It increases your seriousness and energises your action. Character helps you show high and generous sentiments. The greatest importance of character is that it improves the whole life people in the society. A noble character will help you to serve your country in a better way. One’s character can be influenced by the surroundings so you should be careful to maintain it.  If one can build a strong character, it can have a positive influence on the future generation. This will certainly improve the society and the country. Acquiring a good character is important and retaining it is even more important. A good character always complements knowledge.

                                          The Piano Lesson
Sketch the character of the author’s mother in the Piano lesson
            Rob Reilly’s mother comes across as a very wise woman who chose to see the positive side of things. She loved the piano and became very good at it. But when the piano was taken away, she was able to cope with the loss, although she became sad. She knew her priorities well and did everything to help her husband study. She knew that they had to rebuild their life and she accepted the challenge. She even believed losing the piano was good or else it would have distracted her husband from his studies. She was sure there was no use crying over the past. She was a practical woman, who put her family above everything else.

                                                            The Face of Judas Iscariot
      Bring out the irony in ‘Judas Iscariot’
            The artist who was engaged to paint the Life of Jesus found a twelve year old boy as the model for Child Jesus. He had the face of an angel and the painting was soon finished. But he could not find a model for Judas for a long time. He wanted a perfect face for evil and at last he found one in a tavern. The man’s face seemed to bear the marks of every sin of mankind. He was begging for wine and the artist took him home. But a few days after sitting as a model and looking at his own horrible face being painted, he became very agitated. To the painter’s great shock, the model told him that he was the model for Child Jesus a few years ago. The story has a twist in its tail and the reader is shocked by how the evil world can change an angel into a devil.
                                                            Swept Away
Describe the traumatic experiences of Celine after being swept away into the drain.
Attempt a character sketch of Celine.
The violent storm and flooding made Celine and her husband leave their house. As they were walking on the flooded street Celine fell into a manhole. She could not swim back due to the strong current. But she had a strong will and she was not ready to give up. She was able to grab a plastic pipe that stretched across the drain. The thought of her little daughter increased her determination and strength. She could not hold onto the pipe for long but the water was receding. She could now walk in the drain but her face struck an iron bar. Suddenly the current picked up speed again. She was swept away by a torrent of storm water but this time she was thrown out into the open. Celine survived because of her iron will and never-say-die spirit.

                                                            GOING FOR WATER
            Robert Frost describes the journey of two children going to the brook seeking water. Children can always find enjoyable ways to perform simple tasks and the poem gives us enough proof of it. The children were happy to go to the brook as the autumn evening was beautiful and they knew the woods and fields nearby. The moon was just dawning and they ran as if to meet her. They played around with the moonlight in the wood, laughing all the time. But they were worried whether they could find the brook. So they listened for the murmur of water holding hands. In the end they heard the tinkling of water and found the silver blade that was the brook in the moonlight.